It's been a while since I was able to really do more than an
iPhone post. I like posting with it, but I'm limited to just one picture and typing isn't as speedy as the laptop. Matt and I discovered that downtown Williamsburg had FREE (as in beer)
Wi-Fi! Unfortunately, I was unable to do anything that required a that required me to log in.

Friday, the Walsh's went on trip to Colonial Williamsburg. We opted for the shuttle ride through to the Merchants Square and a museum hidden inside a hospital for the mentally ill.. On the left, you see Emilea learning about how kids in the day of colonial Williamsburg earned a living wrapping thead on used playing cards. It was the hottest day of the trip so far, but the museum was air conditioned!
We returned home and met up with the rest of the group. Julie was enlisted to draw our
Bert on the "Circle Us Bert" sign. The Walsh's packed their van on Friday night. We were heading to Caroline County to take part in an impromptu family reunion. Aunt Wanda had gotten together all of Brenda's relatives in that part of Virginia. It was really nice to see everyone. Uncle Bobby and Aunt Wanda have a new house sitting on a lot of acres. The house was full of people and much good food was consumed by all.
As it turned out, they new a real short cut to Baltimore that happened to be the road at the end of their drive way. We called the rest of the vacation crew and they met up with us at the Harrie's. Coolers were filled with ice and the two vans were back on the road with Grandma and Grandpa's car now joining the caravan.

We arrived in Baltimore just in time. It was about 6 PM when we pulled into the
We got the little kids situated and headed over to the game. Tim and Matt were probably more excited than anyone else entering the stadium. Oriole Park at Camden Yards is an amazing facility. The only problem...
RAIN DELAY. No problem...the storm blew right by.
Wow...what a game! We moved down to the front row, no one seemed to care. We definitely got our moneys worth! Everyone had a great time!

The guy on the left here did something that one small boy will never forget. This guy was sitting by us and hat caught a foul ball. He was pretty happy with his catch...then...he saw Jared and figured it was going to be more appreciated by an 8 year old.
We told this guy, "You know, he's probably going to sleep with the ball for the next month." His answer, "I was hoping he would!" Thanks again!
We are in Fremont, Indiana. Looks like we should be getting home tomorrow about dinner time. The bittersweet end to a great vacation. It's amazing, everyone is pretty tired, but smiling.